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Sep 162012

The alter­na­tor was replaced a bit ago with a refur­bished Bosch.  The dri­ver side front brake caliper decid­ed to leak every­where so both front brake calipers were replaced with refur­bished units.  New brake pads as well.  Engine has been run­ning rather ter­ri­ble, but that seems to have some­what stopped.  Some of the prob­lem seems to have been caused by a ther­mo­stat that did­n’t close all the way.  Ther­mo­stat has been replaced and engine warms up to prop­er tem­per­a­ture range now.  When I replaced the ther­mo­stat, I flushed out the coolant and then added 12 quarts of ~66% mix of Zerex G‑05 coolant.  Still was a lit­tle over 1 quart of coolant still some­where in there, prob­a­bly in the heater core.  Some­day I will do a prop­er cit­rus flush, but for now I am at least ready for Winter.

Also cleaned out the bypass fil­ter again.  Just a bit of crap in it this time.  Time to replace the oil fil­ter again as well, I suppose.

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