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Simple access port enlarger tool for Klann clone coil spring compressor.

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Dec 202011

Parts list:

  • 1 3/4″ Bi Met­al Hole Saw
  • 1 7/8″ Bi Met­al Hole Saw
  • 2″ #8 or #10 Machine Screw
  • Nut for above screw.


  1. Put small­er hole saw into larg­er. It should *just* fit.
  2. Work out where to put the screw hole.
  3. Use drill punch to make drilling the curved sur­face easier.
  4. CAREFULLY drill straight through the whole thing using a drill press.
  5. Insert screw, dab thread lock, screw on nut.
  6. Go drill out the access ports.
  7. Prop­er­ly degrease and paint the new bare steel sur­face you just made!


  • Appro­pri­ate hole saws can be had dirt cheap on Ebay.
  • If you have thread lock, use it on the nut.
  • Buy hole saws which use the screw in/drive pin type mandrel!
  • Deep­er sock­ets are better.
  • Drill out the hole saws just large enough to tight­ly insert/screw in the screw to lessen play.
  • While I would have expect­ed appro­pri­ate man­drel com­bi­na­tion to exist that would allow this com­bi­na­tion prop­er, I was entire­ly unable to find it.
  • The 1 3/4″ hole saw acts as guide to enlarge the hole to the 1 7/8″ that is required for the spring compressor.
  • It worked great for me on my w123 300td, as did the spring compressor.

I’m terrible at updating this thing.

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Dec 062011

The car is dri­vable.  I took it in to NTB and got an align­ment and the rear tires replaced.  I have the two ‘spe­cial’ tools required to screw with park­ing brakes on their way so as to find out what is going on down there before the next big order.  Park­ing brakes are pri­or­i­ty so that I can get the car inspected.

I’ve also pur­chased one of the spe­cial precham­ber car­bon ream­ers and intend to inspect the glow plugs in prep for this next order as well.

Gas­ket and wind­shield replace­ment also make the cut, par­tic­u­lar­ly the gas­ket.  Thing leaks like a sieve due to dam­age from age.

I bought and installed the dri­vers side upper door mold­ing and replaced some bad mold­ing clips about the car.  I have also got a good deal on a new low­er mold­ing strip and intend to install it soon.  Things are going well.

I real­ly must take a pic­ture of this thing.