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Lower Ball Joint

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May 062011

GARGH.  Can’t get it loose.  Cheap air ham­mer was­n’t enough to dri­ve the pick­le fork in, pick­ing up a larg­er one tomor­row.  The mon­ey pit con­tin­ues to nom.

Brake line replacement.

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May 052011

Well, I was hop­ing to not replace them, but they real­ly did need replace­ment. When the wheel fell and was caught by one of the brake lines, dam­ag­ing the already very aged part, I decid­ed I best do it.

Good news is I got a great deal due to mfg close­out from one of Rock­Au­to’s suppliers.

RAYBESTOS BH38514 — 2@$6.17 = $12.34
WAGNER BH107264 (F107264) — 2@$8.06 = $16.12
5% Dis­count = -$1.42
Shipping1 = $5.69
Ship­ping 2 = $5.05
Total: $37.78

2nd row seating headrests now installed.

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May 042011

Pic­tures on the head­rest install. Too lazy to describe at the moment.

Parts, Prices, Sources, Geography

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May 042011
Part Num­ber: Alt Num­ber: Required: Actu­al Qty: Quick Price: Quick Total: Descrip­tion: Pur­chase Brand: Pur­chase Location: Mfg Loca­tion:
Com­mon Parts:
123 330 18 03 W0133-1621825 2 2 $35.25 $70.50 Tie Rod Assem­bly LEFT/RIGHT (2 per Car) Febi AutoPartsWAY Spain
116 460 15 05 W0133-1623003 1 1 $37.23 $37.23 drag link (cen­ter tie rod) Febi AutoPartsWAY Italy
126 460 08 19 W0133-1629430 1 1 $29.11 $29.11 idler arm repair kit Febi AutoPartsWAY Ger­many
000 463 51 32 W0133-1910404 1 1 $22.72 $22.72 steer­ing damper shock Bil­stein AutoPartsWAY Ger­many
116 333 40 14 W0133-1642615 4 4 $0.98 $3.92 Bush­ing (front sway bar to upper con­trol arm) x4 Febi Importec ???
116 586 05 33 2 2 $10.00 $20.00 Grease Boot repair kit, upper con­trol arm ball joint x2 Mer­cedes Benz Peach­Parts Ger­many
123 330 46 07 W0133-1619325 1 1 $41.65 $41.65 LEFT upper con­trol arm assembly. Lem­fo­erder AutoPartsWAY Italy
123 330 47 07 W0133-1619255 1 1 $41.65 $41.65 RIGHT upper con­trol arm assembly. Lem­fo­erder AutoPartsWAY Italy
123 330 13 75 W0133-1631912 2 2 $26.21 $52.42 low­er con­trol arm bush­ing repair kit x 2 Kar­lyn AutoPartsWAY Thai­land
116 333 09 27 W0133-1628145 2 2 $23.70 $47.40 low­er ball joints x2 Lem­fo­erder AutoPartsWAY Ger­many
116 586 04 33
2 2 $18.50 $37.00 Grease Boot repair kit, low­er con­trol arm ball joint x2 Mer­cedes Benz Peach­Parts Ger­many
116 330 00 18 W0133-1624360 2 2 $37.18 $74.36 eccen­tric bolt kit x2 Mer­cedes Benz Importec Ger­many
123 460 02 10 W0133-1610812 1 1 $71.36 $71.36 Steer­ing Coupling Mer­cedes Benz Importec Ger­many
123 320 00 30 W0133-1910413 2 2 $53.31 $106.62 FRONT shocks x2 Bil­stein AutoPartsWAY Ger­many
If need­ed:
123 330 21 30 W0133-1627319 2 2 $33.26 $66.52 Guide Rod Tube x2 Febi AutoPartsWAY India
123 330 14 75 W0133-1631144 2 2 $10.76 $21.52 Guide Rod Tube Mount­ing Kit at LCA x2 Kar­lyn AutoPartsWAY Thai­land
123 330 13 35 W0133-1617399 2 2 $64.47 $128.94 RIGHT/LEFT Guide Rod Bear­ing Brack­et x2 Febi AutoPartsWAY Italy
Total: $872.92
Peach­Parts Shipping: $16.35
Importec Ship­ping: $0.00
Importec Sales Tax: $12.35
AutoPartsWay Ship­ping: $0.01
Grand Total: $901.63