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The End

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Jun 122017

If you are just now arriv­ing here, be aware that the car was sold some time ago.  While I learned a great deal from this project, it was time it was ended.


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Sep 162012

The alter­na­tor was replaced a bit ago with a refur­bished Bosch.  The dri­ver side front brake caliper decid­ed to leak every­where so both front brake calipers were replaced with refur­bished units.  New brake pads as well.  Engine has been run­ning rather ter­ri­ble, but that seems to have some­what stopped.  Some of the prob­lem seems to have been caused by a ther­mo­stat that did­n’t close all the way.  Ther­mo­stat has been replaced and engine warms up to prop­er tem­per­a­ture range now.  When I replaced the ther­mo­stat, I flushed out the coolant and then added 12 quarts of ~66% mix of Zerex G‑05 coolant.  Still was a lit­tle over 1 quart of coolant still some­where in there, prob­a­bly in the heater core.  Some­day I will do a prop­er cit­rus flush, but for now I am at least ready for Winter.

Also cleaned out the bypass fil­ter again.  Just a bit of crap in it this time.  Time to replace the oil fil­ter again as well, I suppose.

Gunky engine is gunky.

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Jul 172012

After the ~2500 miles of trav­el, I got around to clean­ing out the bypass fil­ter.  It was entire­ly full.  The oil fil­ter will need chang­ing some­thing fierce, I suspect.

Made it to Canada.

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Jul 052012

Burned near­ly 10 gal­lons of oil for 2500 miles.  I strong­ly sus­pect the fan­cy oil cleaned out gunk that was keep­ing things sealed.  Alter­na­tor also snuffed it and I ran on bat­tery for a cou­ple days.



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Jun 222012

Replac­ing 1 very failed, 4 wor­ri­some prone-to-cat­a­stroph­ic-fail­ure Auto­lite glow plugs with 5 new Bosch glow plugs.  They come in to NAPA tomor­row morning.

Adjust­ed the 10 valves.  Only 4 of them required adjust­ment, the front three and then the last one if I recall correctly.

Reamed glow plug holes.

Drilling out oil return fit­ting in valve cov­er present­ly.  Good times.


To turn the shaft eas­i­ly, use both the nut on the oil pump and the nut on the shaft with the glow plugs out.  Smooth as can be.



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Jun 172012

Today I rebuilt the aux water pump which was entire­ly locked up, fol­low­ing this guide.  I have removed all the biodiesel crap includ­ing the extra coolant hose plumb­ing.  Bypass oil fil­ter will be mount­ed tomor­row after I pick up a right angle to elim­i­nate some hose strain and a cou­ple of bolts.  I also installed a 1amp fuse on the water pump that should do quite nice­ly to keep the cli­mate con­trol from catch­ing fire in case of pump fail­ure.  There was also a thing that was bro­ken.  I fixed it.  While I pre­sume it to pos­si­bly be the tem­per­a­ture sen­sor, I am not sure.  It is fixed now.

The plan is:

Mon­day: Fin­ish bypass oil fil­ter instal­la­tion.  Drain oil entire­ly from pan and block.  Replace oil fil­ter.  Fill with new oil.  Replace under-car shifter bush­ing.  Mount bumper, cleaned reverse lights.  Adjust valves, clean precham­ber, purge injectors.

Tues­day: Com­plete any Mon­day holdovers.  Replace turn sig­nals, rein­stall head­lights.  Drain coolant.  Vac­u­um test for leaks.  Shoot leaks in the face.  Flush coolant lines.  Cit­ric flush coolant lines.

Wednes­day:  Seal leak caused by pre­vi­ous own­er’s idio­cy in the back.  Remove bat­tery, hunt down and fix leak in front.  Dri­ve in to get wind­shield replaced.  Replace shifter bush­ings, install 12v plugs.

Thurs­day: Drain pow­er steer­ing flu­id ful­ly, replace fil­ter, refill with pow­er steer­ing flu­id.  Drain trans­mis­sion and torque con­vert­er flu­id, replace trans­mis­sion fil­ter, replace trans­mis­sion seal, refill with trans­mis­sion flu­id.  Com­plete cit­ric flush.  Flush coolant lines with hose, drain.  Flush coolant lines with dis­tilled water, test for leaks, drain.  Fill with coolant/distilled water mix.

Fri­day: Fin­ish Thurs­day holdovers, pre­pare for broth­er’s engage­ment party.

Sat­ur­day: Engage­ment party.

Sun­day: Pack the things.  Pack all the things.

Mon­day: Sleep late.  Prob­a­bly evening departure.

That is the gen­er­al idea of the plan, at least.

And back on the ground.

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Jun 132012

Get­ting the emer­gency brakes bal­anced prop­er­ly was a pain in the butt.  Rear end is done save for putting on the rear bumper.  Now it is all front end.


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Jun 122012

I got the dif­fer­en­tial remount­ed, tight­ened, and filled with fan­cy Amsoil gear oil.  The pas­sen­ger emer­gency brake replace­ment is now installed, but I need to read­just them.

Door Check

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Jun 092012

Rear pas­sen­ger side door check was replaced with part pur­chased from a guy part­ing out a wag­on.  Same guy I got the bumper from.  I failed to get pic­tures.  Meh.

The Work Area

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Jun 092012

Just some pic­tures of where I’ve parked and set­up the work area.  Works out FAR bet­ter than the dri­ve­way, all that shade and breeze and such.